Most people who believe in God or a higher power believe that God’s power has been revealed through the intricacies of the world we live in and the creatures who inhabit it, humans included! However, some scientists argue that evolution is responsible for the world as we know it. So what’s true?
Here’s what we know:
1. The theory of evolution refers to a process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth.
2. An estimated 8.7 million species live on earth (read the article for yourself here). There are 5,416 different types of mammals, 228,450 types of sea animals, 9,000-10,000 types of birds, 391,000 types of plants (369,000 being flowers), and 60,000 types of trees.
3. Science does not, in fact, disprove the existence of a creator God.
Science and the earth are both so vast and complex that it is possible to make a case for many different theories. It all boils down to a person’s premise, i.e. whether or not that person believes in God, because that’s the lens that person will be interpreting evidence through. If you don’t believe in God, there are arguments to be made for why our existence can be explained without relying on a creator. And if you do believe in God, there are arguments to be made for why our existence as we know it would not be possible without intervention from a higher power. The important thing to remember is that your opinion should be evidence-based and even though your evidence may not be enough for someone else, that’s okay.
What, if anything, do you believe creation reveals about God and why? Why do you think so much diversity exists and do you think humanity’s diversity reflects the diversity found in other species? What, if anything, does that diversity say about God? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!