
Weekly Saturday Worship Gatherings
12375 Woodward Avenue
Highland Park, MI 48203
In the Annex of the Prayer Temple of Love

Think & Discuss 10:15 AM – 11:00 AM
Worship 11:15 AM

Worship gatherings have resumed! Please wear a mask and come prepared to practice social distancing. And if you’re still not comfortable meeting in groups yet, don’t worry! Check out our “Church Online” page to stay connected as we bring church to you 🙂
Click here to watch!

The Troublemakers Podcast

“This podcast is for all the misfits. All the “others”. Everyone who believes or wants to believe, but doesn’t fit into the neat little boxes we’ve been conditioned to believe God requires us to conform to. If you’re looking for community and for perspective…we got you!”

Jason Francis of has been working on crafting a platform for frank and difficult conversations around faith with a group of profound believers both inside AND outside of the traditional church, including our own Kara M. Young. They have some dope and controversial conversations coming soon and they cannot wait to have you join in! All thoughts and perspectives are welcome. This podcast is a safe place to bring those complex and challenging questions and work them through with genuine believers who are explorers just like you.

Click here to listen!

The Friday Experience

The Friday Experience is an auxiliary under Lawrence Souffrant Ministries designed to empower those who cannot be confined or defined by religious labels. The Friday Experience gives practical approaches to daily living, while providing a worship experience that promotes healing and deliverance. Pastor Lawrence Souffrant guides the conversation through the Word of God and facilitates the moment of meditation for reflection and revelation.

The Friday Experience meets online every Friday around 7:30pm CST.

Click here to watch!